>Last November 23-26 and in celebration of International Children’s Day, several private and government institutions in our country joint forces in an event that promoted EXCLUSIVE BREASTFEEDING which was held at SM Mall of Asia, Entertainment Mall. 

Millennium Development Goals Achievement Fund (MDG-F) held a four-day photo exhibit in partnership with SM Cares, LATCH Inc., Breastfeeding Patrol of Mandaluyong City, and the School of Design and Arts of De La Salle-College of St. Benilde wherein the photos showed mothers breastfeeding their children in various locations and situations. The photos showed that breastfeeding is normal and it is a way of life. The exhibit aimed to increase awareness on breastfeeding and its importance and thus public as well as private institutions should provide breastfeeding moms proper environment to feed their young. Breastfeeding is the best milk for a new born and this should become the standard immediately after birth. 
The institutions mentioned above are actively campaigning breastfeeding to increase its rate to at least 20%. 

In a more happy note, did you know that SM Malls are actively promoting breastfeeding? In fact they have Breastfeeding rooms on almost all of their supermalls nationwide. To quote Ms. Bernadette Velasco, director of SM’s breastfeeding advocacy group,

“SM Supermalls is working to create and promote a breastfeeding culture in the country. We believe in its positive impacts on the socio-economic factors of the family, community, and country as a whole. We intend to support initiatives and activities including MDG-F 2030 and NNC’s photo exhibit to promote breastfeeding” 

I learned from a talk I attended months ago that there are different KINDS of breastfeeding. EXCLUSIVE BREASTFEEDING is when you give your child nothing but breast milk, not even water or vitamins. COMBINED BREASTFEEDING is when you give your child something in combination of your breast milk such as solid food, water, other milk products, etc. 

You ask which is better, I say ANY FORM OF BREASTFEEDING is better. It really depends on what makes you comfortable and at peace in doing with. Like with the different institutions, I also hope that breastfeeding awareness programs and events would be pushed and funded more because the rate of malnutrition in our country is increasing each year and one way to combat this is breastfeeding the young. 

Aside from the obvious health and development benefits of breastfeeding, it will also help the family save money. They can use it on their other needs instead of buying canned milk and vitamins. 

Public and private hospitals should unite and make breastfeeding a standard for every newborn. Allow the newborn to latch on the mom immediately after clearing the lungs after the process of child birth. 
