
Okay, first before I write about how hyped I am with this. Let me give a few background on what it’s all about. Nuffnang Philippines’ First Movie Premiere will happen on November 18, 2008 at Robinson’s Galleria entitled, Burn After Reading.

Hubbie and I are both movie freaks! This is our bonding moment because after the movie we talk about it and analyze it over a cup of coffee. And from our experiences, if the movie is so great we talk about it for days. Then, IF EVER this would be our first ever premiere movie. Thinking about it makes me all excited!
The movie is a comedy-spy movie starring no less than Goerge Clooney and Brad Pitt! I’m sure the movie won’t disappoint us. I can’t wait to watch it!

A big plus is, we are a stone’s away from Robinson’s Galleria! No gas to burn! Just a lot of fun and laughter with co-Nuffnangers and also a chance to gain new friends.

SO , I’m keeping my fingers crossed!

But even if I don’t get to have the free tickets, I would still want to watch it.

Burn After Reading