Almost done with Summer but my family has yet to spend a few days at the beach. We’re scheduled one of the remaining weekends of May and my eldest daughter’s super happy about it. We’ll be among friends and our entire household minus the two cats. It’ll be a welcome day of relaxation.

These past weeks has been a challenge for me because of work and a whole lot of other stuff. But hey, you get by!

Few days ago, our little Luzy Love has turned 11 months and she’s growing up beautifully and just coasting along her developmental stages. She can now stand and walk while holding on to something. She’s also able to communicate well with her sign language and is fast to learn whatever new “tricks” we teach her. She can also identify key people in her life through photos and can point to her own image too.

I can’t believe how time flies! I can still remember the day she came out of this world, our sleepless nights together and how tiny she was. She’s really made our whole lives brighter and more meaningful with her toothless giggles and naughty antics. Her open mouthed kisses and out of the blue hugs.  Oh, motherhood, what a joy!

My husband though thinks that Luzy’s too rowdy for a little girl hahaha. This is because our eldest, Peaches, is an exact opposite of her sister. Peaches is very feminine, soft, sweet and everything nice that you’d ever want for a perfect little girl.

Luzy is loud, rough, insistent, determined and funny.

How can a mother be so lucky to have two gems 🙂

Summer of 2015 is indeed memorable!

How about you, how are you getting by with this heat?