I too need an answer…STAT! 

About a month ago, we were successful in making Peaches sleep in her own room but a few weeks ago just about the time her favorite Ate (nanny) left for a maternity leave, she started to regress and be difficult about sleeping on her room (mind that she’s not even alone in her room, she’s with her not-so-new Ate). More than a few times that we gave in and allowed her to sleep between us again just to avoid half an hour of crying and sobbing.

A few times we had to feel bad about letting her sleep on her own bed crying. Those big, fat tears rolling down her cheeks are killing me but what can I do? 


How do you say NO to your charming little girl?

Teaching a child to sleep in her own room, on her own bed fosters confidence and independence. And those are two things that I know my child needs!

So hard when she starts to cry and plead.

“Mom, promise I’ll sleep on my room tomorrow night. I promise!”

And of course she breaks her promises because the next night, we again struggle with A LOOOOOTTTT of crying. And then last night she had a new version

“Mom, I am not ready to sleep on my own room!”.

I mean she’s 5 and I know that’s just the right age to teach her sleep in her own room. If not now, when?

I was 3 when I was trained to sleep on my own room-ALONE. I remember knocking on my parents’ room at the middle of night too but I didn’t have crying bouts with my Mom.

So I researched and read forums and articles about teaching kids to sleep in their own room. I gathered that some parents start early. Like when the child is 2-3 years old. They started to introduce the concept of sleeping by yourself habit. They advised to first teach the child to sleep on her own- not necessarily on her own bed but to put herself to sleep after a bed time story or two.

Here are some suggestions that you might find helpful if you’re like me struggling with your kid’s sleeping habit:

1. Remain calm. No matter how the child struggles, cries, screams and even how angry they will become…stay calm and firm. Kids are really slick. They just know when you’ll give in and they will continue doing it because they know they will get what they want.

2. After your bed time story, tuck them in and say good night. No more long stories, no more prolonged kisses. One thing I want to try too is tell the child you’re going to check on her after 10 mins. and when she’s still not asleep, another 10 and so on.

3. Routines. Establish a healthy sleeping routine by doing so, you must have by the hour schedule for dinner, little play time, down time, a little snack perhaps?, washing up, bed time story time, prayer time and then sleeping time. This way, the child anticipates the succeeding events and won’t feel like she’s thrown into a situation.

4. Rewards. A sticker or stamp in the morning will make her feel proud of her achievement. Giving her praises and kisses for a job well done should be enough too. Some parents introduce the Sleep Fairy (kinda like the Tooth Fairy) who leaves sweet presents under your pillow if you sleep on your own bed at night. There are also sleep related bed time stories that I should try but haven’t seen any yet (Do you have recommendations?)

5. Try and try and keep on trying. A mantra that parents like us should have mastered by now 🙂

All these are tips that should be helpful and are from parents who have gone through the process too. It is however, true that your child is unique and might respond differently than others. Find what best suits your child’s needs and thrive on it. Continue to improve your parenting skills by reading and participating on parenting discussion threads too. If not, a support group of parents will help a lot too.

I would appreciate if you’ll add on my list too!