
I was browsing one of the forum I am in and I stumbled upon this post. I wanted to share it to everyone and at the same time help the “topic starter” a chance to SHOUT his testimony.

“Ganito un… we’re facing a financial problem… we need a certain amount of money… for bills etc… di ko na sasabihin kung magkano. ganito na lang Php xxx,xxx. tapos me and my mom ay nag uusap about borrowing it to a certain person… that person is greedy. Then di na namin tinuloy… Someone texted me (my pastor) “i went to cebuana luiller sent you some money.. the amount is Php xxx,xxx and the control #(password) is **************T, I was on the way to cebuana and i asked God how much will i send? and i heard someone said ” Send Php xxx,xxx ” so that’s it.” Then i said “No pastor, don’t just give it away for free. let me just borrow them” He said “Don’t Get fuss. I’m just following the instructions from the Higher authority(God), so Thank HIM” nangyari to ngayon! February 14, 12PM believe it or not. I dont care! basta ako naniniwala ako na ang Diyos ang nagplan out sa lahat. NOW kailangan kong gawin ang dapat kong gawin (TESTIFY) tell the world that GOD is still with us. Watching, Using other people to help you, me and everyone. btw… the amount we needed is the exact amount he sent! my mom doesn’t know how to use a mobile phone so there is no way she could call my pastor and she doesn’t even know my pastor. “

Great? No, that’s God’s Amazing love.
God is good. All the time. All the time, God is good.