December is truly a blessing to hearts that are weary and souls that are longing for something- mine’s not an exemption. When I left for Europe, I felt that there was a need to reflect and search on answers that was not clear. When I came back I was refreshed and though I was thrown back at work, jet lag and all, I was happy to be back and ready to face my inner noise.

Amazing how random people can open your eyes (and heart) to things that are just there but you couldn’t see. I am thankful for having the opportunity to meet these people and be at places I never thought I would discover.

I am thankful that Peaches passed her Poveda K-1 testing and that next year she’s geared towards big school. I know she’s ready and even her teachers support her.

I am thankful that my family is healthy and that we are happy to whatever we have and though we pray and dream of abundance, we are content to what we have now.

I am thankful that I feel like my relationship with my husband has been renewed.

I am thankful that I have loving friends that are always willing to hear my stories no matter how silly or mundane they are. My friends are amazing because they make me long for inner peace and with that they teach me how to be on that road.

I am thankful that my job is still the job I love and will love 😀

I am thankful that even after weeks of hiatus someone’s still reading my blog! Yay~

So here’s an advance Merry Christmas to everyone!