>My OB told me the baby was getting bigger each day and chances of a normal delivery is slim because I have a small passageway. I wasn’t overdue until the first week of January, but as early as December 18, my OB told us I could be induced. I insisted that we wait some more. People around me were getting anxious and over excited for the baby to come up. Everyday they ask if she’s ready to pop. But I stayed patient. After series of christmas parties, the baby and I grew more. Perhaps tired from the past events, I finally gave in and allowed hubbie to bring me over at Chinese General Hospital (We were given admission slip since December 13). We didn’t call anyone yet because we thought I was going to be sent home after some internal exams. Hubbie was told to wait as I was escorted to the labor room (LR) and was instructed to change to a hospital gown. So, this is it? At exactly 7AM, I was given IV’s and injections, hence I was induced. I was also informed that the OB has been notified and was on her way. Later, hubbie told me the nurse did everything for him, from admission to getting a room. At 9AM, hubbie was given a private room and was told to wait for the call. I on the otherhand, started my phases of labor. The OB came and told me I wasn’t ready yet. I didn’t have someone to talk to because cellphones were not allowed inside LR and I was alone for hours.
10AM, my waterbag broke and I thought it was a good sign!
At 11AM, two pregos were wheeled in. Both had their epidurals. I felt I didn’t need one since I can still bear the waves of pain. Time passed both pregos were wheeled out and I heard them scream and finally give birth, and I was still stuck at 4cm. At 12NN, Hubbie calls the LR staff every hour to check on me. Still, 4cm more pain, dry labor. At 3PM, Hubbie calls in every 30 mins (hahahha) getting anxious that the baby might be distressed. I was of course periodically checked, the baby’s fine as per her heartbeat but she’s not moving, not a single kick.
At 5PM, OB asked if Hubbie would sign to a CS. At 545PM, I was wheeled in to the operating room and was introduced to my Anesthesiologist and staff nurses. I was given the epidural (I didn’t feel any pain even from the needle). At 621PM, Peaches was finally out.

OB’s first words: “HAHAHAHA looks like Daddy Troy!”
Indeed she was hahahha.
She was wrapped and was given to me for kisses. (btw, I was awake the entire procedure).
Daddy and Grany were given the chance to hold her too, bloody and all. (lol)
Daddy and Grany were so happy they followed her to the nursery room and watched her cleaned.

It was the greatest moment in my life. I am thankful that I had the best team, I didn’t feel a pain during and after the operation. It was a breeze. Even when I was discharged, hubbie was the best nurse one could ask for. He took care of me and Peaches while I was still recovering from the wounds.

With these I feel really blessed.