Have you heard of the latest happening at Eastwood? Mobsters who called themselves the Legion of Pain took the mall goers by surprise and mocked everyone because at some point they’ve been victims of the Legion of Pain. But there’s a team who can beat them..who? Watch this cool video about the pain monsters who invaded Eastwood:

So funny when the boastful tablet man came and claimed he can beat the Legion of pain but couldn’t. The real heroes were the Advil Liquid Force who used Advil liquid gel to beat the Legion of Pain in no time.

The whole concept was truly awesome! The costumes were original, the lines were delivered well (or more like acted well) by the mascots and the actors. This, ladies and gentlemen is brand promotion at it’s best! I am blown away by the concept and the impact to the audience who were able to witness it. I hope they’d do it on other locations as well 🙂

But what is Advil Liquid Gel?

Advil Liquid Gel is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug(NSAID) and it should be taken in caution for people who has history of heart disease and should not be taken when you have undergone bypass surgery.

The generic name of Advil Liquid Gel is Ibuprofen. It is used to relieve pain of all levels. It works by blocking your body’s production of certain natural substances that cause inflammation. This effect helps to decrease swelling, pain, or fever.

So, what can you say about the video?