Even with the smallest amount of experience, you can beautify your home. Find plenty of inspiration from home magazines and design magazines from the local publishers. I usually make notes of during my bi-weekly pedicure time hehehe..But seriously,  you will find inspiration and knowledge from those and a very good opportunity to make use of an idle time.

designing home

Below are things that I randomly learned: 


Plants add color, texture add interest to any interior design project. If you don’t have a green thumb, don’t worry. There are many shops that sell artificial plants and flower arrangements. They are surprisingly realistic and lifelike, if you’re one of those who doesn’t have the time or desire to grow the real thing.

If you are making decisions about changing the interior decor of your home, get your family involved. Remember that they will need to live with the changes as well. Decisions that are made should be acceptable to everyone to avoid conflict and ill feelings. Your home is the haven for each member of your family, so everyone should feel good about the changes ahead.

While fluorescent light bulbs save energy, and last longer than incandescent bulbs, they are not always ideal for some areas of the home. They emit a harsher, more blueish light than incandescent  Fluorescent bulbs are often fine for kitchens and bathrooms. For areas like the den or living room, the softer, more subtle light of an incandescent bulb may be the better choice.

Make sure that before you engage in designing your home that you have a plan in place. This can help a lot to reduce your worry when you are in the process of designing your home. Also, you can organize your finances better when a plan is in place for your project.

Interior design is made easier with a software program. There are many programs that will allow you to take a picture of your existing space and create your look inside of that picture. This is a great way to visualize the changes in the space before making them happen.

If you plan to entertain a lot in your living room, make sure that you provide adequate casual seating and table space for your guests. Entertaining always comes with serving food. Providing space for your guests where they can put down their drinks and h’orderve plates while they mingle with each other will make things more comfortable for them.

If you are trying to liven up your basement, you should aim to use light colors. Use light and bright floors, fabrics, and pictures. Having said that, you can use darker colors as long as you have the proper lighting. However, you should never use dark colors on the ceiling because this will make your basement feel gloomy. Therefore, try using a lighter shade of your wall color for the ceiling.


Adding a pedestal tub to the bathroom makes a beautiful addition. Tubs like these are extremely popular because of the classic feel they give off. If you want a shower, you can put one on a pole or install a handheld shower. These simple solutions are available at any local hardware store. Find really great deals of pedestal tubs here.

A great solution when you have smallish bathroom is to use baskets for storage. Baskets are available in a wide assortment of designs and sizes, and can help increase space needed for storage. Try putting your towels or reading materials in a basket in the bathroom. They can also be mounted on a wall or hidden under a vanity.

You should now see that it does not matter if you have any experience at all with home interior design. You can do more than you may have ever thought possible. Put the information from this article to good use in your home. Before you know it, your friends will be commenting on the beautiful things you have done around your home.