Life isn’t always an easy road but it’s the rough patches that make you tough. I tend to look at the positive side of everything and managed to get through pretty well. In all these, I am very grateful for my life’s greatest achievement and blessing which is my family – husband and 2 beautiful daughters. Being a young Mother, I was uncertain of the future but along the way, I learned and strive to have a blissful family life. Marriage and ultimately, motherhood has allowed me to grow and become the person I am now knowing there are 2 beautiful souls depending on me (and my husband).  My work, my home and my life in general has gain new meaning and my priorities have changed.

I am proud of myself and my husband because at a young age, we are able to sustain our family out of hard work and little help from family and friends. While our friends spend their days partying and enjoying travels and shopping, we paid for tuition, ballet classes, vaccinations, dental check-ups and more bills. While most of our batch mates spend their Friday nights on movies and drinking sprees, we stayed home to play board game with our daughter or drive them for sleep over at my in-laws. We do all these with much joy in our hearts as we know our daughters will grow up remembering these little things we did for them and hopefully carry on as gentle, well-loved souls.


In 5 years, I see myself more involved in a powerful business with me as an integral part of it being successful. I will be inspiring young Moms to take opportunities to work from home and excel in their fields. I want them to be able to earn and provide well for their growing family while at home. I would love to tell stories of how I successfully managed to conduct myself as a professional online worker and be treated as one. Perhaps speak about ways on how to be an effective work at home Mom and sharing tips on how to balance work, motherhood and life. Also, I would love to have opportunities to create and give work to aspiring work at home Mothers. I am certain that there will be better breeds of WAHMs (work at home mothers) in the near future as there are plenty of help through workshops, seminar and online forum available to them now compared to when I was starting in 2008.

Being a WAHM is a golden opportunity that not all are lucky to have an opportunity to be one. I recognize that and I am very thankful for that. This is why, all these years, I regard my work highly and make it a point to give A+ result and surpass expectations.