A few weeks ago, my cousins and Aunts were here in Manila for a quick vacation and my cousin Rian took his NCLEX (and passed!). It was a perfect time to bond since my cousins are all grown up and it’s easier to relate with them. And what joyous bonding it was! I was really happy that Peaches was able to be with them few times a year  (at least!). I would want her to grow up knowing she has a big family that love her and adore her.

Many thanks to everyone who made it possible that my family’s stay in Manila was A-Okay 😀

Moving on to my happy weekend, Tatay’s laboratory results were stellar for a 57 year old and I couldn’t thank God enough. Next was a night of book swap, file swap and sing along with plurk friends! Another plurkfiesta etched on our hearts 😀 These friends are for keeps and these friends are family!

Sunday was again a great time for my family. We just bummed around and watched Ghibli movies (till our heads hurt) we got from our swap plurkfiesta! Peaches was happy of our loots too! Totoro and Baron were her favorite characters among the movies we watched! 😀

Over all it was a great weekend minus the few times my head hurt because of PMS and my hormonal pill. I hope you guys had a great weekend as well. It really is great to spend time with friends and family.

Now, onto a week of toxicity again…. what can I say? BRING IT ON!