Business name registration is the first step in doing your business right. Here are few tips of my own when I registered my new business with DTI.



1. DTI is where you register your business if it’s for SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP meaning you’re the only owner.

You go to SEC if it’s a corporation or a partnership.

2. Prepare all documents needed to register your business. These are:

a. Name of your business – prepare at least 3

Make sure that you are prepared to use any of the 3 and make sure you prepared well.

b. You can check DTI’s database for business names that are already registered. You can even reserve the name/s you want for a certain fee and for number of days. Go here-

c. My suggestion is to register an account so you can track your reservations.

2. Bring 2 valid IDs- government IDs (passport, PRC ID, driver’s license, SSS ID, postal ID, etc)

3. Find the appropriate DTI branch/office that you need to register depending on your business location. Go to this link to find exact DTI offices and address to go to –

4. Fill up the application form either ONLINE or in the field office appropriate for your business location.

IF you opted to do an online registration, make sure you PRINT and TAKE NOTE of your completed application form and your Transaction Reference Number or TRN.

Make sure whatever you wrote on your online application is final, especially the Business Name because you can’t UNDO it for at least 6 months– unless you are willing to delay your registration for 6 months or more.

Also, your business address is important. They do not allow P.O. boxes.

5. Pay your registration fees. Fees vary depending on the scope of your business. If it’s operating and serving within your baranggay, I think it was 250 . If it has wider scope, it’s 500 and if it’s Nationwide, it’s 1000-1500.

DTI has an online service website where you can register and pay. They offer G-Cash, Bancnet and Bank Deposit payment gateway.

I tried GCash and Bancnet but didn’t work for me. I still had to go to the field office to accomplish everything.

6. Print your DTI Registration Certificate.

If you processed your registration in a field office, they will print it for you and you don’t have to wait long.

Personally, I like going to the field office and fill up the application and pay the fees there.  For me it was convenient and a breeze. I was also able to ask several questions on the DTI officer I was assigned to and overall, got satisfactory answers.

After my DTI registration, I got my Barangay Clearance but that’s another story.

I’m just glad that I’m on the right track. Of course you guys can opt to hire someone to register your business and do all the legwork but where’s the fun in that? Plus I wanted to know more about our system and processes.

I hope this helped! Go Pinay Momprenuers!