To encourage adventurous palates and cultivate manners, introduce your children to the concept of a “no, thank you” or to have bite or serving. This teaches them not to insult someone by refusing food or pronouncing it “yucky,” and by trying just a little, they may end up liking the new food anyway.








Every parent has high hopes and expectations for their child, and this is a great thing, but you also need to be realistic with your kids. Let your child know that he or she can be the next President, for example, but make sure they realize that it’s a long-shot too. Parents need to teach kids that life is about options.

Keep the belt on your waist where it belongs! A lot of parents will spank children, but this can be really damaging for kids. Make sure that you’re using that belt to hold up your jeans and not to discipline your child. Something like that really borders on child abuse and goes above and beyond discipline. Prisoners aren’t even hit.

It’s important for children to spend plenty of time outside enjoying nature. Children who spend too much time inside, possibly due to video games, mounting homework loads or even the fear of stranger abduction, tend to suffer from increased stress, an inability to focus and a feeling of being trapped. Make sure to get your children outside on a regular basis.

Do not make your child a plate of food and then force them to eat everything that is on it. Encourage your child to take very small portions and finish them, then let them know that they can always have another portion if the first one wasn’t enough.

It is crucial that you get your child interested in vegetables as soon as they are able to eat them. By not giving your child vegetables at this time of their life, they are not going to want to eat them when they get older, which prevents them from getting proper nutrients and vitamins.