As a parent, I know we always prioritize our children’s education over any other things. Our methods doesn’t matter- parents who chose to send their children to traditional or progressive schools and parents who chose to home school their children, either way, I have high respects for them. The fact that we all work hard to give our children the best education we know, is enough to give each of us a round of applause.

Having said that, I personally believe that no matter where the children’s education come from, the support the child gets from home will make a lot of difference. This is why I chose to home school my daughter. Well, after school teaching. She’s currently enrolled in a private school and we have study time at home. I teach her lessons that aren’t part of her session plans. We do activities that will enhance her analytic skills, arithmetic, drawing, etc. But for so long, I felt that I was going in circles and aimlessly creating lesson plans for her. It is time to hear what the expert home schoolers are doing!

If you’re like me or just curious as to what home schooling can give your children, read this!

TMA Homeschool’s 2015 Parents Conferecnce – Set Them Up For Success

TMA Homeschool, in coordination with Manila Workshops  and The Learning Basket , is proud to present its Parents Conference for 2015, entitled Set Them Up For Success. It will be held at the Bayanihan Arts and Events Center from 8AM for registration (program starts at 9:00) to 5:00PM.

If you are a parent wondering what the best kind of education for your child is and where he will learn and be successful someday, then don’t miss the upcoming Parents Conference of TMA Homeschool at the Bayanihan Center, Unilab on March 12.

This event, entitled “Set Them Up for Success”, is set to enlighten and inspire you  to raise your children to become happy, responsible, productive  adults and leaders “wherever they are planted”.  It will run for a whole day and will consist of keynote topics like “Set Them Up for Success” and “Catching your Child’s God-given Bents for Success”. Keynote speakers are Edric Mendoza and Jayson Lo.

Mr. Mendoza is a homeschooling father of five, the president of the Homeschoolers Association of the Philippine Islands and lead anchor of ANC’s On the Money. Mr. Jayson Lo is a known inspirational speaker in the country and is the author of Younique:Understanding Others by Understanding You, a book about how personality styles help identify one’s strengths and weaknesses.

Aside from keynote talks, the conference will also feature workshops on character education, multi-level homeschooling, homeschooling through high school, adjusting teaching strategies for effecting learning, and celebrating dads who homeschool. Participants may also opt to attend a Q&A forum where TMA Homeschool will answer questions about homeschooling in the Philippines. Speakers for these sessions are seasoned homeschoolers Donna Simpao, Millona Barraca, Bles de Guzman, Joy Mendoza, and Dennis Sy. Participants may choose one track for each talk happening simultaneously. Expect a day filled with doses of homeschool inspiration and information about parenting and homeschooling.

 Read more below to join my GIVEAWAY: FREE SEAT FOR YOU AT THE CONFERENCE (and a chance to meet with me… boo..hahahha)

2015 Parents Conference

Set Them Up For Success

March 12, 2015, Bayanihan Center, Mandaluyong City

08:00-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:10 Welcome
09:10-09:20 Dep-Ed Opening Remarks
09:30-10:20 Keynote 1: Set Them Up for Success
10:20-12:00 TMA Homeschool Updates
12:00-01:00 Lunch break
01:00-02:00 Workshops (A)
Track 1: How to do a Character-focused Education
Track 2: How to Do Multi-Level Homeschooling
Track 3: How to Homeschool through High School
02:15-03:15 Workshops (B)
Track 4: How to Adjust Your Teaching Strategies for Effective Learning
Track 5: Hooray for Dads Who Homeschool
Track 6: Q and A Forum
03:45-04:45 Keynote 2: Catching the God-given Bents for Success
04:45-05:00 Last Announcements, Major raffle prizes

Online registration will end on March 9, 11:55 PM. We will accept walk ins at the event, however, only those who register online are eligible to win raffle prizes.

Now the giveaway:

You have a chance to snag a free seat on the conference, just follow these 5 simple steps and you’re done! Contest ends on March 9, 2015 @11:00 PM

The winner will be announced March 10, 2015

a Rafflecopter giveaway