>That’s my 1000000 dollar question. I’m contemplating on teaching Peaches her third language-Mandarin.

Now, let me lay down what keeps me from doing it:

– Both parents are non-speaking
– Both parents are working (okay, I am a WAHM but my hours are demanding)
– I may not meet my own expectations

And the possibilities are high because:

– Learning materials are within reach (CHILDBOOK)
– Work related (on my part)
– It’s the best time for Peaches to learn because children her age can easily absorb whatever information you provide
– Troy and all others are PRO-trilingual Peaches

Now, you wonder why I have second thoughts…. I guess it boils down to, I’m scared I might let them down. I’m scared. Period.

I know this is good for my daughter. I also know it’s not an easy process but I just need to conquer my inner fear then, I can truly get on with it.
As I listen to myself say all this, I can see how selfish I am. See, hindering a potential growth for my child because I fear my own failure.

Please help me pray for courage.