
I’ve been reading these two blogs who were discussing about parents spanking/slapping their children. One said it was wrong, of course the other claimed it was right. Now, I realized this is an issue between the father and the mother. This has to be discussed and planned by both parents. So I asked T about how we are going to raise our children. Are we imposing these kind of punishment too?

T is well aware that I have not been spanked or slapped as a child. My parents punished me by WORDS (but not degrading ones). They make me realize my mistakes. I tell you, words are powerful than hands of steel. Upto this day, I can still remember the lessons my parents taught me. Upto this day, I am thankful on how they raised me. (Plus I never saw my parents fight in front of me. But that’s another topic)

I am also well aware that T have been spanked and slapped as a child. He experienced all sorts of spanking (and yelling). And he admittedly say he took it all really bad. He still remembers the times he was punished (hard). And these of course resulted to deeper, negative, darker feelings that he struggled to overcome (for years).

He was of course adamant that we do not spank or slap our children. We can think of ways to discipline them or make them follow us. It is really on how you (as parents, as a team) handle your children. For us, being a parent means being patient, creative, understanding,
and able to give.

In line with this let me just say that I personally do not think that CULTURE has anything to do with how we raise our children. IT IS ABOUT HOW WE ARE AS PARENTS. IT IS ABOUT WHAT WE BELIEVE is good for our children.
So, I don’t think one way is the best way than the other….We do what works for us.
I also DO NOT believe that spanking is PART of FILIPINO CULTURE.

How about you? How do you raise your child?