
In celebration of Peaches’ 4th monthsary,
we went out today.
First stop was UST church for a Mass celebration.
Here, Peaches got bored, Granny had to give her chocolates!

After Mass, we had lunch at Amici, Tomas Morato.
An Italian Resto originally run by Bosconian Priests but
later sold it to the Reyes’ Red Ribbon company.
Amici is Sbarro-ish. But of course I still loooveee Sbarro (and so does T)
The place was packed and there were lots of families waiting
to be seated. I was really amazed at how badly they wanted to eat
at Amici considering there are more restos along Morato.
Well, the food is great (but Sbarro is greater) and the price
is so reasonable! They have different gelato flavors for P50/cup,
not bad for a truly Italian treat.

After lunch, Peaches had her kiddie spa (owned by Dra. Balita, wife of Carl Balita)
and her first ever haircut!!! (will post pic on this soon)

After that we trotted the car along kamuning to kamias road
looking for frameworks because Granny had a painting from one of
the Carmelite brothers and she wanted to have it framed.
We didn’t find any and so it was decided that Tiendesitas is our next stop.
At Tiendesitas, T had the painting framed while Anna and I
bought meriendas for everyone.
Peaches loved the putong ube! (though she just sucks it & throw it out of her mouth after)
Granny wanted to have a second look on the car she’s planning to buy.
And so we went to Isuzu and Toyota.
Toyota won! :)) Vios won over Innova. (I hope this time she makes up her mind lol)

After a tiring window shopping (for a car), we went to Podium.
There was a fashion show going on which was
sponsored by Lasalle College International. They featured fashion designers
that were their alumni. During the show,
I realized T has a sense of fashion. He would whisper to me comments (like a true critic)
on the dresses and sometimes on how the model carried the dress.
There was this one model who was doing a thing on this sleeveless ensemble
when he noticed the girl’s underarms had black spots (both underarms)
he was like: “lookie, dark spots on her pits! she should have tried to hide it!
she’s a model for pete’s sake! kadirs dirs tuloy!”
Indeed it was.
It was like the girl had laser hair removal gone bad.
And the worse thing was….she was sooo flaunting her pits.
Didn’t she know she had those spots?

We had to leave then.

Dinner time at Laza Manila. The food was ok, we had kare-kare (T’s fave),
bulalo, adobong kangkong, ginataang shrimp, and taho with manggo.
As usual the kare kare was a bit disappointing. (nothing compares to
my dear Mamang’s famous kare-kare!)

After dinner, we were on the way home and realized
that we forgot about Peaches’ milk supply.
We had to stop at 4 Mercury Drugs, no NAN HA 1 available on all 4.
Goodthing we still have one can unopened!

Sooooooo after a long and tiring day, finally we’re home…
Peaches is resting, T’s fussing on his lappy, me cracking my brain’s
out about something…and yeah…blogging.

That’s it for my Sunday.

Another week starts…

Take care…Live well. XOXO