
For the longest time, Peaches had these raised and bumpy spots on both her arms. It was not bothering her so I didn’t pay much attention to it (except for occasional irritation on my side when I touch it). I’ve tried changing Peaches’ body soap from Lactacyd to Johnson & Johnson soap but the bumps were still there. I chose Johnson & Johnson products for Peaches and used it since then. But a few weeks ago, Peaches developed red patches and bumps all over her body. It was not itchy and didn’t bother her so I knew it wasn’t viral (ie. German measles) or bacterial (ie Staphylococcus aureus).

I had her checked by a pediatric dermatologist and true enough the doctor confirmed Atopic Dermatitis or Skin Asthma. Peaches got it from…..yours truly. I’ve had it since I was in elementary and I remember several trips to the dermatologist with my Mom. Good news is, when a child shows symptoms of Skin Asthma at aged 3-5 years old, chances are they will outgrow it but when Skin Asthma shows at 11 years and older, it’s with them forever (like with what happened to me- had it when was 11 or 12).

What were prescribed to toddlers with Skin Asthma

1. Colloidal oatmeal soap/Oilatum bar    P157
– use as bath soap

2. Cetaphil Restoraderm Lotion      P1375 (it’s 250mL and it’s expensive!!!)
– use daily. Apply to whole body 2x a day after bathing/washing, thicker on areas with rashes.

3. For rashes:
– Apply over affected areas 2x a day until clear. Maximum 10 days use.

4. DESLORATIDE       P457
– 2.5mL taken once a day with or without food for 7 days.

DIET for toddlers with Skin Asthma

No wheat, egg white, chocolates, peanuts, tomatoes, citrus fruits and juices when the child manifests rashes all over the body.

PREVENTIVE MEASURES for toddlers with Skin Asthma

1. The environment should be kept at a constant temperature, and excess humidity or extreme dryness should be avoided. Clothing worn next to the skin should be absorbent and nonirritating (cotton), laundered with bland soaps, and rinse thoroughly.

2. Eliminate excess bathing and other factors that promote dryness of the skin. Use a bland, non irritating soap or just bath oil.

3. Emollients or medications should be applied immediately after bathing in order to trap water in the skin. Frequent application of bland lubricants both soothes and physically protects the skin.

Factors Which Trigger Skin Asthma: 

extreme heat or cold, rapid changes in temperature, sweating, irritating or occlusive medications or clothing (especially wool and synthetic fibers), fragrances and grease, dusts and smokes.

While I am confident to the medications and measures that my pedia derma gave me, I still encourage you to have your child checked by a dermatologist. This post aims to give Moms perspective and point of comparison when dealing with Skin Asthma.

I’d be so happy to hear your own preventive measures and medications.
