>Yesterday was the first time in months since hubbie had a great time with his family (well minus his Mom, she’s in Europe traveling). It was filled with laughter and everyone was relaxed. As opposed to being always uptight, prim and proper. Even Peaches had her grandest time, she refused to sleep even if she didn’t get to have her nap time the whole day.
When we were finally home, it was obvious that hubbie wanted more so I suggested we house crash his family for a late night dvd watch. We had chocolates, nuts and ice cream! Though it was already pretty late by then because we had to put away our groceries first and wash. Peaches had her much needed nap and by the time we were leaving for her Grampy’s place, she was up and about.
At 2am we called it a day and finally went home. Hubbie was happy and I was glad because he needed that (so bad) because he’s been working too much.

I know a day like that can never happen again so I’m just happy it did happen.

To A (who’s my SIL and my frequent reader): ” SLR on his next trip?? and his budget is what?? $150?? you’re crazy, girl!!!!