On top of my work today, I was doing an errand for my parents. Their former employee SMSed me and was asking for financial help. He was in jail because of his gambling debts. He said that his wife and two children are suffering because he was the sole income generator in their family and there was nothing left to feed the children.

I should tell you that this particular former employee, I despise so much. First, he appeared from nowhere and begged my parents to give him a job and when they did, he stole from them. He cried and begged for a second chance and was again accepted with open arms. He spread rumors that he was my father’s first son and people from our town actually believed he was my brother! He became so lazy that my parents would wake up before him and would always be forgiven. At one point, he left without a word and went to work for someone else. When that didn’t go right, he went back to my parents and asked for another job, of course he was then accepted. These were just a few of the nasty things he did, most of it I forgot because I didn’t want to meddle with my parents’ decisions. But the final blow was when he lured my father into something that ruined my family. Until this very day, I have not forgiven him.

This is not the first time that he begged for financial support. In fact it could be his gazillion time. He’s in jail for a reason. It’s too bad that his children were affected by his actions but I think he brought this unto himself and his family. Before my parents left for the States, he was given a hefty amount to start over. He and his family were even permitted to live on a land that my parents left. Turns out, he squandered the money and was back to nothing.

I think my family has given him so much in exchange of NOTHING. And through all that I stayed quiet. Today, I think what my parents had given him were more than enough. It was just sad that he thought my parents would be there for him ALWAYS. He forgot that my parents have a daughter whom he scarred deeply and now finally showing her wrath. It’s too bad for him he didn’t know my parents ALWAYS, ALWAYS listen to me.

And so I finally say, enough. TOUGH LUCK.