
Hello friends!

Renz is back!

But my mind’s still on vacation. I didn’t really had the time to relax so much because a lot has happened on the cruise. To put it midly, I’ll say it’s good it was a gift from my MIL and FIL.
I had to put my story on hold for a few days to organize my thoughts or else you will all be reading
a very bad telenovela script. The only thing I can tell you about the cruise is
that until now I can still feel the waves. It’s as if I’m still standing
on the ship’s deck 8. (whooaaa there it goes again)

For now, let me tell you about my “missed” graduation.

It was last May 11 at PICC and all my nursing friends are there and I know they had a blast. It was always a blast when I’m with my groupmates. Anyhoo, one of my friends is in charge with the powerpoint shown on the program and she said she made a tribute to me by putting on a few more of my pics and my wedding pics since I wasn’t there. Dondon said when my name was called the program had a 2 minute stop. (true?)

Knowing all this, I have a heavy heart. It was the last time I’ll ever see them.
I miss them already. The group has been good to me since day one and I hope I could ever repay
all their kindness and the friendship they’ve given me.
They’re one of those people whom you don’t want to lose because they’re hard to find.
I am lucky to have met them and are friends with them.

I pray that God will continue to bless our friendship and guide every each one of us.
Cheers to a new career coming up!!!

Our DSL and Phonelines are disconnected.
We are moving to our new home on May 22.