>All my life I’ve only celebrated Mass at the church, at home or at other parochial places but not to a very unconventional way such as a Theatre! Yes, you read it right… Theater as in movie theater.

Isn’t it great? I think so too. I mean, this is a good way of encouraging others to attend the Mass/service. This will break the monotonous and traditional way we are familiar with.
I think it’s a good way of adding a twist to what we were used to have.
I mean, everything around us changes and it’s just about time our church leaders cope up with these changes. I have yet to come to a celebration like this but it’s great that someone has thought about it.

Like the organizers of the first ever inaugural of Theatre Church Conference in Silver Springs, MD on October 22-23, 2008. For more information you can check this.

This shows that we could profess our faith not only from our churches but also to other places we usually go to. And theaters at that, are not for our recreations but also for the celebration of our faith as well.

Because God is everywhere, we could worship God everywhere too.

Find out more for a good time with family and friends.
Find out more for a great way to spend your time with God.

I just wish this program would be introduced to other countries such as mine, the Philippines. I know this will be taken well by church goers. Specially the young ones who prefer “hip” places like the theater.
