You must have heard about it from Mom bloggers and celebrity Moms, Donita Rose and Daphne.

But what is this newest craze that Unilab brilliantly launched? It’s called Vitapops. It’s an awesome Vitamin C that takes the form of a pop rock candy. BUT MOMS, it’s not candy… it’s a vitamin and there’s still recommended daily intake for kids.


VITAPOPS  is a first of its kind Vitamin C that takes the form of a pop rock candy which the kids instantly loved. My daughter’s been asking for the pop rock goodie everyday!

So what’s good about Vitapops? Let’s drill them down: 

Content: 50mg of Vitamin C (as Sodium Ascorbate, making it non-acidic and can be consumed even on an empty stomach)

Sugar Level: Contains only 1/5 the amount of sugar found in regular Vitamin C

(yaikes! we are currently using sugar coated pastille Vitamin C) 

Directions for Use: Tear the sachet, gradually put granules inside the mouth. Let the granules crackle until they melt completely. Then swallow with our without water.

For children 7-12 years old – contents of 1-2 sachets or as directed by pediatrician

Precaution: Ask a doctor before use if the child is on a sodium restricted diet. Each sachet contains 8 mg of sodium (as sodium ascorbate).

Price:  P10 per sachet

Availability: VitaPops is available in all leading drugstores but soon they are going to distribute it on your favorite supermarkets.

I also had few questions in mind that were answered during the launch and I thought you might want to know about it too:

What is the shelf life of VitaPops? Because it’s made of granules, don’t they get sticky and solidify after sometime?

VitaPops is best consumed within 2 years from when it was produced. Solidification happens when the product is exposed to humidity and moisture. To prevent this from happening, we recommend keeping VitaPops in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

What makes VitaPops pop? Is that safe?

VitaPops is safe to take and is FDA-approved. It pops because when the granules that contain Carbon Dioxide come in contact with moisture, it dissolves and the gas escapes quickly producing a fizzing and popping sound.

How much Vitamin C can my child get from VitaPops? How does it compare to vegetables, fruits and milk?

1 VitaPops sachet contains 50 mg of Vitamin C and is equivalent to 5 glasses of milk / 28 pieces of calamansi / 1 ½  glasses of freshly squeezed orange.

Could vegetables, fruits and milk rich in Vitamin C give my child the necessary amount to ensure full immunity

While these may be healthy for your kids, there may not be enough Vitamin C to satisfy the recommended daily intake of 35 mg for 7-9 yrs old and 45 mg for 10-12 yrs old. For example, for every 100g serving of fresh squash only 9 mg of Vitamin C can be provided; 100g of Cabbage at 36.6 mg of Vitamin C; Tomato at 13 mg. For milk, every 250 mL serving only has around 2.6 mg of Vitamin C. It would still be recommended for your kids to take Vitamin C supplements for full Vitamin C protection.

Like most of you, I believe in natural ways to provide vitamins and minerals for my child but I do use formulated vitamins to supplement what I feed my child. With the changing environmental conditions that our kids face, I feel that supplements are just right to make sure their young bodies are equipped and well armored against pollution and harsh weather.