
I was so busy the past days since T fired our helper. Well, it has been fun and tiring week for me. My cousin C was with us for a week. She’s finishing on her requirements as Emirates’ FA (how cool is that?…have you heard how much they pay for their FAs? Demmmnn!) . It was a breather having her, a break from my monotonous routine. But now, I’m back again on “my” days.
Peaches had her monthly check-up and Thank God again! She’s healthy and strong. That’s just one of the things why I’m lucky. Peaches is not a high need baby not even a fussy one. But don’t get me wrong, she can be fussy if she wants to. She even has this “spoiled brat” cry already. My MIL and FIL told me that’s because Peaches knows what she wants and she knows how to get it from Mummy and Daddy. How can I not be a spoiler? She’s too pretty and too nice a baby!

Moving on….I realized how time flies…It’ll be June soon, Nursing board exam!!!! And I haven’t finish my last requirement for the PRC application. I haven’t EVEN start my review yet!!! As much as I want, I couldn’t. Didn’t have the time. Didn’t have the money. Didn’t have enough strength. You think I’m just making up excuses? Ahhhh…Nah, I don’t think so. It’s the circumstances that hinders everything. Gods Plan? I think so. Maybe it’s the sign I’ve been asking for….That I shouldn’t take the board exam this June….Crap! This sucks. I’m in a dilemma.

Got a message from a cousin coming home from LA, Mom’s gonna give Peachypoop a new stroller…Sheeshh…I told her we already have one…I wonder if I can sell it on ebay..teeehee..

Oh, I think it’s a must to mention that T and I are on a DIET! or at least we vowed to be. Yup!!! This morning we were on the breakfast table, I told him I can start dieting because Peaches started to wean (duh, for the longest time already LOL). And he wanted to be on a diet as well. OK, we’ll see…we’ll see.