Yesterday I attended a super nice WAHM Workshop by DaintyMom and Manila Workshops and I have learned so much! In my 4 years of being a work at home Mom, you wouldn’t think I could still learn more in a day. It was great connecting with like minded Moms who are all shining at their own expertise. Though we all have something in common, I sensed that each of the WAHMs and WAHM-to-bes were unique and could bring something new on the table. The WAHMs are indeed creating huge waves in the online and freelancing community in the Philippines.

These are few of the things I learned yesterday:

1. You will get your working grove- not immediately, but you will. 

Working online can be very rewarding both financially and on being a parent or mother but it could also mean very erratic and unpredictable working hours for you. Remember that your boss and office mate rolled into one is your child who can throw tantrums and can be needy on some days. The thing I realized is that, THERE IS NO SPECIFIC WORKING HOURS that works for everyone. You have to find your own and make it work.

I know I did. It took me a while but I did! By the hour schedule does not work for me because it gets me frustrated and on the edge all the time. What works for me is a list of ALL the things that I need to accomplish within the day.


2. Find your “creative” space 

When working online, you have to have a space dedicated for your home office. It does not need to be something fancy or Pinterest worthy but it has to be something that you feel comfortable and inspired to work in. For other WAHMs what works for them is a makeshift buffet table, a computer table or even laptop computer carts. Mine evolved from a computer table to an office table because I have to store documents and it made me feel so professional when I’m sited on my little home office.

3.  Promote yourself. Make your own brand

To get projects and clients, you have to market yourself and build a good reputation online. Own a domain and create fresh content about yourself and the services you offer. Then post and share away.


I realized that learning on my own isn’t always the way to improve and grow in my chosen career. Listening to like minded people can be very enlightening and inspiring too. I can’t wait to join my next WAHM workshop!