
Tired of watching replays of Manny Pacquiao’s fight? Tired of endlessly searching for free websites to watch pixelized video of Manny Pacquiao’s fight? Well, I am! Everytime Manny has a fight, I have my own fight too- battling with the Intrawebz for free online streaming and it was never fun I still end up watching the delayed telecast. I have yearned to improve that and finally I found a simple solution, sign up for PLDT’s Watch Pad service!

Here are simple steps you can follow depending on your preferences: 

1. If you’re on Plan 1299 or higher (like myself), all you need to do is sign up for Watchpad service
Sign up before November 8 to allow processing time before November 14 (so hurry!!!) 
Sign up on PLDT Watchpad today by clicking here

2. If you’re on Plan 999 you need to upgrade to a higher plan because Watchpad works best with at least a connection speed of 768 kbps – that’s for optimized viewing. (I’m just saying so you don’t end up disappointed)

3. If you’re already a Watchpad user, all you need to do is reserve your slot ASAP! 
Click here to reserve your Watchpad slot today

4. After sign up and processing you’ll be able to watch Pacquiao VS Margarito Fight LIVE, FREE and NO COMMERCIAL BREAK!!! You can share it with your friends and family too! 

You can even connect your monitor or laptop to a wider screen and let the whole gang enjoy the fight LIVE, FREE and NO COMMERCIAL BREAK. Amazing, eh? But remember you need to sign up as soon as possible to allow processing time. 

For more updates, follow Watchpad on Twitter!
They’re also on Facebook too. Like them, I sure did.  
