Our wedding anniversary is coming up but I will be too busy on the coming days that I resorted to ordering my surprise gift online. Just wait and see what I found!

I came to this awesome blog talking about wedding and anniversary gift ideas and at first I was skeptical because I am oh-so-familiar with most of the selling pitch online but when I actually looked at the ideas and the products offered, I am BLOWN AWAY! I just knew it’s for us.

These amazing lovers paintings and lovers sculptures were suggested. Aren’t they the most gorgeous romantic art you’ve seen?

They’re available in different sizes and reproductions- print in canvas, print on paper, framed or unframed. Shipping is fair,  a money back guarantee and best of all a reasonable return-exchange policy. The artworks are coming from Australia and shipping could be a pain so be sure to order early in time for your anniversary. My order will be delivered to an OZ address and will be hand carried by my friend so you might also want to try that idea, it did save me alot on shipping fees.

Okay so you wanna see some of the lovers artworks? (and guess what I bought?)

Definitely worth every penny! These artworks will last you a lifetime, you can hand it down to your children and tell them great stories about your marriage and how you sustained it. Researched more about the artists and found out they’re a couple! Rochman is the sculptor behind those amazing lovers sculptures and Sofan is the painter who created those lovely lovers painting. No wonder the artworks exude so much love and passion! I AM SO SOLD!

I urge you to have a look.

Visit, http://www.giftforanniversary.org/ for more information.

And tell me what you liked best! Or are you planning to order one? 😀