So your anniversary is coming or perhaps his birthday and you don’t have a clue on what to get for him. Last Christmas, I learned the hard way, how to think of the perfect present for my husband.

We were on our separate ways buying Christmas presents for each other and I was really excited and so sure he’ll like what I got for him.

You ask what?

I got him a sporty watch, a Casio. I was so sure he’ll like it because he had an older version of the watch but he lost it. We were teasing each other about our gifts and who would be giving the best and perfect gift.

When it was time to open the gifts, he was not as pleased as I thought he would be! He was expecting something else and thought he was hinting about it too! And you know what added salt in my wound? He was just cool and okay with it but I know he was disappointed.

If you must ask, he got me a pair of earrings! So imagine how bad I felt.

No worries, I got him the thing he wanted! lol.

Okay so what did I learn?


Listen to what your husbands are hinting. You might not notice it but they do say it! It could be one of those niceĀ police rings in your local jewelry shop that he mentioned in passing.

Next, think of a gift that your husband would LOVE no matter HOW you would feel about it. We sometimes go for things that WE THINK they will love but in truth, we only chose them because we WANT them to use it. Like buying him a new pair of leather shoes because we want them to look good when all your husband want is to wear sneakers or rubber shoes.

And lastly, you don’t want to give him something that he won’t enjoy wearing. He will wear it only because he doesn’t want you to feel bad about it.