
I’m not new to Seattle’s Best Coffee because as a coffee addict, you usually see me on coffee shops armed with my good ol’ laptop or a book. I’m such a cofffee geek that for me relaxation means sitting ALONE on a coffee shop. Besides, Seattle’s Best Coffee is one of my top pick coffee shop in the Philippines!

So when I was invited to a blogger’s event at Seattle’s Best Coffee Greenbelt 3 branch, I didn’t have second thoughts. Seattle’s Best Coffee offers breakfast meals and light meals all through out the day. Their servings are generous so you might want to share it with your loveyduvy.

For the drink I tried their Christmas offering which is Cookies and Mint (you can choose ice blended or hot).

with my friend and fellow mommy blogger, Jinky both enjoying our SBC drink

And it was heavenly! I like that it’s not too sweet…if you want some kick, you can opt to add more coffee.
The crew also requested that I oder another drink and a fellow blogger will “mix” my drink.

Fellow blogger, mrsmartinez

I ordered Java chip Ice Blended which is my favorite Seattle’s Best Coffee drink. I was also able to chat with some of the SBC staff and learned that all baristas undergo 15 days of lecture about different coffee mixes and another week for the hands on training. The baristas also need to pass written and practical exams after completing the training program. 

I also had the chance to be a barista for the day (well okay, for 5 minutes)!

I really had a great time with fellow bloggers and the SBC peeps! I like how homey their interiors and how friendly the staff are. They were all smiling (genuinely) and eager to assist all customers!

Here are some novelties from the store which do you like best?

Black Seattle’s Best Coffee Mug
Red Seattle’s Best Coffe Mug

More Seattle’s Best Coffee store photos:

So, what did Seattle’s Best Coffee offered to a coffee addict like myself? A COFFEERRIFIC DAY with friends, good times, great company and yummy treats! 

And this has been your barista for 5 minutes, signing off!
