
Perhaps you’re one of those who jump on a plane, a boat or whatever and go to their favorite summer destinations when the month of April starts. Perhaps you’re like me who has no summer vacations whatsoever. Still working and doing the usual things everyday. I’m not complaining, in fact I’m quite happy where I am right now just that I am comparing the differences or similarities on our lives. Perhaps this is just a stage where we all go through because at some point in my life I had those moments too. I remember when I was a lot younger, summer meant Tennis camp for me and I was so happy and dreaded the time when I had to go back to school. Then there was the time when me and my college barkadas would plan our summer get-aways months ahead.
Those days are long gone. T’s schedule won’t permit us to plan ahead and book for cheaper flights and accommodations. Plus it’s hard to travel and relax when you’re with a toddler with Peaches’ energy!

I’m looking forward to the day when we are finally able to travel pleasantly. 🙂