
Plot: Beth is a young curator who loves her work more than anything. She is determined to impress her boss but her baby sister suddenly announces marriage which will be in Rome. In Rome, Beth met a nice guy, Nick, but with series of events she ended up drunk on the fountain of love and collecting 5 coins that was thrown in the fountain. The spell was whoever owns the coin that was from the fountain, will find love to the one who collected it.

My Rating: 7/10
The story behind my rating:

I watched the movie with my teen sister in law. I think she did not get all the humor of the scenes and the lines. I don’t think she enjoyed it as much as I did too. But for a feel good movie, it’s really nice. You don’t have to think hard of the events. You just sit there, smile and laugh.
I gave it a 7 because it was so light that I wished there was something more. But the fashion in the movie, I liked very much it was very realistic and very uhmm..wearable.

My advise, watch it with a girlfriend who loves to laugh with you. 

Happy laughing! 😉