
Which is the most unforgettable chapter in your life?

Was it your high school days or college days?

We were on our way home when the topic was brought up.

For T’s mum and dad, it was their high school days.

For T, it was college.

For me, both.

My high school days are as much fun as my college days.

And I miss both.

Maybe because all my friends from high school and college are still my close friends as of today that’s why it’s hard to let go of the memories I had in those days.

It was entirely a different fun (my high school and college days) but both gave me the chance to grow and enjoy life.

Speaking of high school days, I’d like to introduce a childhood friend. Her name’s Dianne. We call each other “bru”. If you watched TV Patrol last Friday, June 13, she was interviewed in line with the stabbing of 3 kids (by their mom) in which she was assigned as their psychologist from Bantay Bata 163. Ok so back to the topic…. Dianne and I, as I said go way way back. We’ve known each other more than half of our entire lives (literally). I was 6 and she was 7 when we first became friends. Proud to say until this very day we never lost touch even though at some point she had other group of friends and I had mine. . I am truly blessed to have her as my friend.

She calms my soul. Whenever I see her, life becomes clearer. She’s the kind of person you want to be with because of the positive aura she brings in

Cheers to a friend like Dianne!

Well friends, I hope I got you thinking which the most unforgettable chapter in your life is.

And I hope you too are blessed with your own Dianne.