>I’ve read that tummy time helps strengthen our baby’s head, neck and shoulder (for older babies).

What is tummy time? Tummy Time means allowing for your baby to be on his or her stomach while the baby is awake and someone is watching.

Why is Tummy Time important?

Babies need time on their stomachs to help strengthen their head, neck, and shoulder muscles. Tummy time is an important way to help them build this strength. Healthy babies should be placed on their backs to sleep for naps and at night to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). But babies who are always on their backs can sometimes get flat spots on their heads. Providing Tummy Time when your baby is awake and someone is watching can help prevent these flat spots.
——- http://www.nichd.nih.gov/health/topics/tummy_time.cfm

That’s why I make sure to prop Peaches tummy down every after nappy change. Here are some tips to make your babies feel comfortable with tummy time…

1. set tummy time when baby’s not full, not hungry and not tired.
2. if she cries after 2 mins. of propping her/him down, try to coax her/him by making funny faces or rattling her/his toys.
3. provide entertainment like nursery songs.
4. join your baby on tummy time.Talk to her and encourage her.
5. sometimes I put her story book (the thing you put on the side of the crib, for newborn it’s suppose to be black and white.) in front of her.
6. massage her back gently…I do little circles on her back..tracing her spine lightly.
7. give her a big hug and a big kiss after her/his tummy time!!!!

Peaches loves her tummy time…Often she falls asleep…