
As a Mom and a regular group coupon buyer, I was ecstatic when I found out there’s a new player in the market. It’s Winilacity Philippines and when you sign up you get a chance to win a Macbook Pro! 

Signing up was easy. I was asked basic questions, filled the spaces, got an email for confirmation and it was done! I’m looking forward to their future deals and I hope it include gift certificates from famous brands like Zara, Forever 21, or food coupons from different restaurants around the Metro. 
Or maybe unique deals as Winila City needs to be a step further than their competitors. 

Their deal for this week is 50% off for a Diamond Peel with Deep Cleansing Facial worth P 2,500 at KAZEMI

Question is, will Winila City Philippines be able to join the race and be at par with the rest of the pack? Let’s see! 🙂 

Don’t forget to like Winila City Philippines on facebook
