As a Work at Home Mom, your day can easily become busy to absolutely no time to pee kind of thing. But there are ways to avoid going crazy on your schedule.


Here are things that I love to do to avoid crazy schedules on my day to day tasks:

Know your outcome for the next day

I do this at night before sleeping. I rundown things I need to do for the next day and determine my outcome. Usually, I have 2 outcomes; 1 for work and the other for my family.

What do I need to feel when I wake up and finally, what do I want to feel when I sleep tomorrow night?

When you have an outcome in mind, you will know how to prioritize your tasks.

Some WAHMs create lists (hello, cute notebooks and planners!) so they get a nice feeling when they cross out things on their to do list.

I found out that you do what works best for you.


Know your time limits

If you haven’t reconciled the fact that Facebook or any other social media accounts you have, are time suckers, then you’re in trouble. I know this too well. I learned that if you chose not to do tasks at this time, you will eventually pay for it and in the long run lose more time. Some clients I have require usage of time trackers not to spy on me but ultimately to help me gauge the hours I work on specific tasks. Now, if you’re the employer and you have subcontractors under you, you might want to find employee time clock software.


Try to have a routine

I wrote “try” because I know on most days this is impossible for a WAHM, but at least try to have one so that you can sync yourself to the tasks that you have on hand. I also found out that people around you or working with you also perform better and deliver better if they know your routine.

My assistant knows that I wake up at 6:30AM and my coffee is immediately ready by then because she knows I need to fuel up 🙂

My daughter also knows that at this time of the day, Mom is working and should not be bothered.