>Just A Quick Hello

>It has been a whirlwind of a week for me but I’m not complaining. This week has given plenty of things to think about, things to work on and made me met more friends. In totality, it’s a week to be thankful for.A few days ago, the much awaited balik...

>I’m Shooting A Cooking Show

>Nah, it’s not for TV but an entry to a contest. Gotcha there, didn’t I? Please do continue to read…I’ve learned to cook since the day I realized that I needed to feed my family healthy and yummy meals. Thanks to the greatest Chef on the...

>Greenbelt Prohibits Poor People?

>I’ve received a disturbing photo of a signage that’s apparently posted at Greenbelt. WOW, POOR PEOPLE… Could someone correct  their sentence construction if they meant something else because this statement DOES...

>Simple Happiness Is…

>Troy’s accountant gave us a bag full of kamias yesterday. Kamias is a sister fruit of starfruit and it’s sour. It is usually eaten with rock salt. And yes it does bring childhood memories 🙂 In English , Kamias is called Tree Cucumber or Cucumber...